4 Paws Pet Resort
Dog Grooming

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Our award-winning groomers are the best in the valley. We offer a large range of haircuts and styles depending on the breed and the look you desire. Our professional Grooming services are designed to pamper our guests who want to go home looking and smelling their best.
Full Groom - Includes a warm bath, a blow-dry, a brush out, customized haircut to owner's specifications, ear cleaning, nail trimming, and expressing the anal glands.
Freshen Up - Includes a warm bath, a blowdry, a brush out, ear cleaning, nail trimming, and expressing the anal glands. The visor, feet, and sanitary areas are trimmed.
Bath & Brush - Includes a warm bath, a blow-dry, a brush out, ear cleaning, nail trimming, and expressing the anal glands.
Dip & Go - Our Dip & Go treatment is specially medicated to treat dogs with ticks. Your pet is dipped in the medicated solution and sent home to air dry (with no petting) for up to 72 hours.
*No home or breeder shots will be accepted!
Shot records are required before the check-in date to verify that everything is correct and up to date. The vaccinations your dog must have include:
Canine Influenza (H3N8 and H3N2): your pet must have both rounds of the 2-part Canine Influenza series in order to visit.
Bordetella (If Bordetella is given intranasally, it must be given AT LEAST 4 days prior to your pets visit! Oral or injectable Bordetella may be given any time.)
*If your dog is unable to be vaccinated, we are unable to groom them.
Cat Grooming
4 Paws also grooms cats! If shedding is a problem, a feline haircut will eliminate shedding. If you just want a clean cat then we suggest a bath, blow-dry, and brush-out for your pet. Grooming our feline friends takes approximately 3 hours.
*No home or breeder shots will be accepted!
Shot records are required before the check-in date to verify that everything is correct and up to date. The vaccinations your cat must have include:
*If your cat is unable to be vaccinated, we are unable to groom them.
4 Paws Pet Points Rewards
Loyalty Deserves To Be Rewarded. Loyal pets—and loyal pet parents—are entitled to all the appreciation in the world. And we’re delighted to reward your repeated visits to us with a program that recognizes your support. Every dollar you spend earns a reward point. And every 250 points you collect earns a $5 credit on your next stay. Entry into the rewards program is automatic.